TISSUE SALTSDr. W.H. Scheussler's 12 Tissue Salts are body's 12 essential minerals. With the help of Tissue Salts we can restore health. They are considered the "building blocks" of the body. |
Saturday, January 28, 2012Calc Sulph is the pricipal remedy for supparations, boils, carbuncles and chronic catarrhal conditions. The name of this tissue salt is Calcarea Sulphate or Calcium sulphate. It is generally known as Gypsum or Plaster of Paris. More commonly it is used by its abreveated name Calc.Sulph. Introduction It is generally available among many materials. It is sometimes available in water also. It is one kind of white crystalline element.It is not soluble in distilled liquor. Calc. Sulp. is produced by titrution process by crashing distilled and filtered Calcarea Sulphurica. Usefulness: This salt is generally found available in the biles of human gall bladder, but not all the time.It is also found in the biles secreted from liver.It destroys the inactive blood cells by succing water from them. So, by destroying and expelling the inactive blood cells, keeps human blood fresh. Due to deficiency of this salt, the unwanted products in blood could not be expelled and as a result, a lot of diseases occur in skin and syrus membrane. Collection of unwanted inactive materials in tissues resulting swelling and ulcers can be cured by taking this remedy. Its primary symptom is formation of Pus.This is an eliminator of accumulation of waste products from the interstices of tissues, and a deficiency of this salt allows protracted suppuration. Corey writes that "It is used to clean out an accumulation of heteroplasm in the interstices of tissue; to cause the infiltrated parts to discharge their contents readily and throw off decaying organic matter; so that these may not lie dormant or slowly decay and thus injure the surrounding tissue. A lack of this salt allows suppuration to continue too long. It controls suppuration. A decay of epithelial cells, after the infiltrated parts have discharged their contents, indicates lack of this salt. The third stage of all catarrhs, lung troubles, boils, carbuncles, ulcers or abscesses need this cell-salt. While Silicea hastens the process of suppuration, Calc S. closes up the process at the proper time. It is indicated in chronic suppurations when there is no infiltration about the part; in ulcers with excessive granulations; in chronic catarrhal conditions with purulent secretions; in eruptive diseases like boils, carbuncles, ulcer, pimples, herpes etc; in advanced stages of lung diseases like pneumonia and.bronchitis, in suppuration about the scalp with much dandruff and hair falling out; in suppurative tonsillitis with discharge of pus; & in otorrhoea and hypopyon ulcer, after the use of Silicea, It. is very useful as a palliative in the management of malignant growths after ulceration has set in. Again, when well-selected remedies act only a short time, and the symptoms agree Calc, S is one that should be thought of along with Sulphur, Psor, and Tuberc. Kent says that it cures the underlying basis of epilepsy, and epileptiform and hysteric convulsion. It is useful in sore throat, in catarrh of the larynx with obstinate hoarseness, and in croupy cough accompanied with much choking, when an experienced physician might well think of Hepar; but it must be remembered that in Hepar; uncovering a hand or throwing off the clothes from the chest will aggravate the croupy cough, where as in Calc Sulph uncovering is grateful; the patient throws off the covers, and the cough is better in the cool air. Characteristics: A tendency to the formation of abscesses in 'the body is strong feature of this remedy, and is quite similar to Pyrogen. A thick, heavy yellow pus streaked with blood is a very important indication, especially if other remedies were unsuccessful, it cures boils, abscesses, buboes, deep ulcers, carbuncles, gumboils, quinsy, suppurative stage of gonorrhoea, mastitis, ulcerated glands etc. (6x useful with Si~icea 200), It is also useful in fistulae, unhealthy discharge from nose, cancerous growths, advanced stage of lung diseases with sarious or yellow purulent discharge, and ophthalmia with thick yellow pus (use 6x). It cures also deafness with discharge of matter from the middle ear, sometimes mixed with blood; sores on children's head with yellow matter discharging (useful after Kali Mur and Silicea. Croup after Kali Mur); Hip-Joint disease (use alternately with Ferr Phos); Hectic fever caused by formation of pus with cough, burning in soles, patient, longs for sour fruits. It is always useful after Kali Mur in chronic gonorrhoeal discharges, and after Silicea in otorrhoea and leucorrhoea. Some more characteristic symptoms: 1. Change of mental state. Cannot work any thing with stable mind. Loss of memory. 2. Head ache due to cold and ameliorated with warm air. 3. Formation of deep yellowish pus in ulcers in the head of young girls. 4. Much dandraft in head. 5. In any type of ulcer, in any place, if deep yellowish pus or pus with spot of blood is present, then this remedy never fails. In all those ulcers, if pus formation like above is lasting for long, the ulcer does not heal easily, in those cases, this remedy is definite. 6. Catarrah, Cough, Neumoniah, Bronchities, Tubercolic cough, Boils, Ulcers, diseases of the ears, Eye diseases, fistula in ano, etc. in all diseses, if the discharge is as above as in serial number 5., then this remedy is definite. 7. The discharge of this redemy is similar to that of Silicea. But there is too much bad odor in the discharge of Silicea and on the contrary discharge of Calc Sulp has no bad odor. 8. Swelling in any place, like in boils - two types of actions are noticeable. Calc Sulph is the number one in stopping discharge of pus in any place, again if it is applied before formation of pus it stops the formation. To stop formation of pus, in the first stage Ferr Phos or in second stage Kali Mur to be applied along with Calc Sulph. respectively. 9. To stop formation of pus in any deep place. 10.Pain like priking by a needle in hip joint and cannot bear a touch. Before formation of pus alernately with Ferr Phos. 11.To be able to see half of any thing. 12.It is useful in Dyspepsia , pus like blood dysentry and mucous with pus. If the stool is like as above in diseses like Ulcer in stomach, Typhoide & Typhus. 13.Delayed and prolonged mensuration. 14.Dirty tongue like mud. Taste of tongue is sharp like soap. 15.Humidity aggrevates and dryness ameliorates. The sick feels comformable in warm air. Mental Symptoms: 1. Change of mental state, cannot keep mind stable. 2. Sudden decrease of memory, fearful and angriness. Feel weakness after anger. 3. Anxious about future and more anxious after awakening in the morning. 4. Mental problem increases in the morning and evening. Anxiousness and mental agony decreases with warm air. 5. When tries to sleep at night, sees the face of fearful ghosts. 6. Fear of death always remains in mind. 7. Fear of being mad, fear of being misfortunate, fear of danger like all types of fear always remain in mind. Fear increases in the night. 8. Restless, depressed, obstinate, timid, vashfull, panicky and quarrelsome. 9. Easily accepts fault and feels insulted. Makes mistakes while speaking. 10.Easily get startled. 11.He doesn't are what is happing surrounding him, keeps bussy with himself. 12. Doesn't like those with whome he doesn't agree. 13. He thinks that his qualities are not accepted sufficiently and for that he feels afflicted. Specific Diseases Where Calc Sulph is Useful Head Ache: Calc Sulph is indicated in Head Ache due to cold and but it ameliorates in cold air. Head Ache is surrounding around the head and specially in the fore head. Head Ache with vomiting. Vertigo is seen many a time in this remedy and this aggravates in the morning and evening. But ameliorates in warm air. There is tendency to fall down. Coldness in palate and fore head. Temparature in head increases in the morning and evening. While coughining, in mensuration, in stoppage of menuration, and in warm room symptom increases, open air ameliorates. Feeling at 4 PM, as if, being weared a cap. Ulcers of the Head: It is a beautiful remedy in case of the ulcers of the head, if the discharge from the ulcer is deep yellowish or the membranes are yellowish. Pressing the membrane also discharges same type of pus with spot of blood. Ulcers in the heads of rickety or syphylitic child. Growth of too much dandraft in head. Ulcer at any place with discharge of deep yellowish pus with spot of blood sometimes, then this is the remedy. It is to be remembered that, in pus of Silicea bad odor presents, but all discharges of Calc Sulph are odorless. When using Silicea, swelling reduces but discharge of pus does not stop nor the ulcer heals this is the stage where Calc Sulph works beautifully. Modalities: Symptoms better in the open air: desires open air, Many symptoms are worsee on walking; getting wet, walking and especially walking fast and becoming heated. Wants to uncover unlike Hepar, as warm coverings aggravate. Wants to keep still. Sleepless before midnight and after 3 a.m. Dose: 6x is generally used: after Kali Mur, Hepar or Silicta has ceased to act. Calc Sulph resembles Hepar, but acts deeper, Silicea preferrable in glands that suppurate. Kent first made use of 12x only, but later used 30th, 200th and even higher dilutions with success: and he suggested further clinical observation. Some diseases in which Cal. Sulph is indicated along with other remedies: 1. Boils and carbuncles-Calc. Sulph and Silicea 2. Conjunctivitis - Calc. Sulph and Nat Mur, 3. Croup - Calc. Sulph and Kali.Mur. 4. Eczema - Calc. Sulph Kali Mur, Kali Suiph & Silicea 5. Tonsillitis - Calc. Sulph Ferr-phos., Kali Mur & Mag phos. CLINICAL CASES A boy aet 15 had an ear-trouble of 12 year's standing and suffered from suppuration of the middle ear resulting frown scarlet fever. At present both ears are inflamed, no pain, but has subjective noise, hearing greatly diminished, pus fills the mealus. Eustachian tube is dilatable, right membrana tympani is granular and left perforated, pharynx thick. CALCAREA SULPH commenced at once and continued to improve, the granular appearance of the right membrane tympani disappeared and the improvement was phenomenal. |